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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (08/07/23) ‘Part 9’ Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… … As we conclude this series tonight we will be going thru the order of events that the Bible clearly lists regarding: paradise/third heave, the rapture, the 7 year tribulation (where will the raptured saint be), the judgment seat of Christ, the millennial reign of Christ, the Great White Throne Judgement, the New Heaven and Earth, the New Jerusalem.


Also, we will look at God’s Word to answer the questions: Will we know each other in heaven? Will we remember our past and those who did not make it to heaven? What will we do during the Millennial reign or 1,000 years? What will we do in the New Jerusalem that comes down from the Third Heaven after the Millennial reign?


This information is in God’s Word for a reason.. it is written for us to “Remember, the Heaven, is Our Living Hope! Don’t miss out on what God has in store for your eternity.


Lesson begins at the 29:03 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (07/31/23) ‘Part 8’ Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…Have you ever wandered what the New Heavens and New Earth would be like? Did you know that there is a New Jerusalem being built right now in the third heaven? Bible says so. How long has it been under construction? Did you now that Lucifer before he was kicked out of heaven was helping construct the new Jerusalem? So, why did he get kicked out? Seeing all that was being prepared, watching the construction…what happened? 


today to give us revelation to our lives for “such a time as this” so we can choose transformation. God designed Hell for Lucifer (satan) the the angels that chose to walk away from HIM… it’s not GOd’s desire that anyone spend eternity in Hell but we turn to repentance! Don’t miss out on what God has in store for your eternity. Remember, Heaven, is Our Living Hope!


Lesson begins at the 24:26 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (07/24/23) ‘Part 7’ Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… … Did you know that the Bible is full of information of “things” that have yet to occur that we are supposed to know?  For instance, what is the The Judgment Seat of Christ? When does it take place? Who is it for? And… what is the Great White Throne Judgment? When does it take place? Who is it for?…


The Bible tells you and I that there is a place being built for those who are found habitually righteous right now…. Where is that place located and what is being built? Does the Bible tell us where the third heaven is located? Where satan is located? Many questions will be answered tonight as we go thru God’s Word concerning Heaven, Our Living Hope!


Lesson begins at the 24:06 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (07/17/23) ‘Part 6’ (Week 2 of 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…This night turned into a current event night on Russia, Turkey, Iran and the European nations that was foretold by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel. Also I did a break down on the 2 different parts of the Second Coming of Jesus. The first part is at the beginning of the 7 years when those who are alive and those who have died habitually righteous will be raptured. The second part is when those who were rapture come down with Jesus at the end of the 7 year tribulation to fight in the battle of Armageddon. 


Jesus is coming…are you ready?


“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (07/10/23) ‘Part 6’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…The Bible tells you and I that after the Rapture of the Church, after the 7 year Tribulation and at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth while we are rebuilding Israel…satan is released on the earth one last time. 


Revelation 20:3 AMPC

Then he hurled him into the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and closed it and sealed it above him, so that he should no longer lead astray and deceive and seduce the nations until the thousand years were at an end. After that he must be liberated for a short time.


Why would this take place? The Bible says that there will be some from all nations that make it through the 7 year tribulation that were not caught up in the rapture. They will repopulate the earth, have children, have mortal bodies and will be given the opportunity to be obedient to Jesus…this is in the Bible.


Remember Paul’s words to Timothy…


2 Timothy 3:16 AMPC

16 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)


Jesus is coming…are you ready?


Note: The lesson begins at the  34:56 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (07/03/23) ‘Part 5’ (Week 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… Did you know that the Old Testament Prophets (who were never wrong) told you and I what would happen at the end of the 7 year Tribulation? The “Never Wrong” Prophet Joel, Zechariah, Ezekiel in the Old Testament told us 2700 years ago why the Temple Mount in Jerusalem would be so important today and why islam and the jewish religions will be fighting over the Temple Mount. In the month of May of this year I stood on the Temple Mount while christians were praying, jewish people were praying at the western wall as the islamic call to prayer was ringing out at the same time. Where else in the world is this happening? The Bible said this is what would happen and what would happen after the 7 year Tribulation and how Israel will be rebuilt following the battle of Armageddon in the Millennial Reign of Christ.


Jesus is coming…are you ready?


Note: The lesson begins at the  15:34 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (06/26/23) ‘Part 5’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… Have you ever wondered what will happen at the end of the 7 year Tribulation? The Bible tells us of specific events that will take place on the earth from the Great Tribulation transitioning to the Millennial Reign of Christ. The Never Wrong Prophet’s Ezekiel and Zechariah have given you and I great detail on what to expect during this transition period. Some of these things are: What will the Temple Mount will be like? how will the land Israel will sectioned off? what will we be doing for 1,000 years? Will there people who didn’t go up in the rapture living in Israel? Plus many more “things” about this period of time that will take place that we are blessed to know about.


Jesus is coming…are you ready?


Note: The lesson begins at the 48:44 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (06/19/23) ‘Part 4’ (Week 3 of 3) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…Throughout the Old and New Testament the references to heaven and hell are numerous. However, why won’t pastor preachers and teachers speak of them specifically? Do they believe in a literal Hell? Do they believe everyone goes to heaven? When rightly dividing God’s Word speaking of heaven and hell always goes back to judgment. Sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” to coming spoken of by Jesus in John chapter 16 rarely is spoken in the church today…many (pastors) will deceive many (in the church) by no longer speaking the whole truth about heaven and hell - they are real and you and I decide by our conduct where we will spend eternity. 


In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word used to describe the realm of the dead is sheol. It simply means “the place of the dead” or “the place of departed souls/spirits.” The New Testament Greek equivalent to sheol is hades, which is also a general reference to “the place of the dead.” 


The Greek word gehenna is used in the New Testament for “hell” and is derived from the Hebrew word hinnom. Other passages in the New Testament indicated that sheol/hades is a temporary place where souls are kept as they await the final resurrection. The souls of the righteous, at death, go directly into the presence of God—the part of sheol called “heaven,” “paradise,” or “Abraham’s bosom” (Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23).


The lake of fire, mentioned only in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10, 14-15, is the final hell, the place of eternal punishment for all unrepentant rebels, both angelic and human (Matthew 25:41). It is described as a place of burning sulfur, and those in it experience eternal, unspeakable agony of an unrelenting nature (Luke 16:24; Mark 9:45-46). Those who have rejected Christ and are in the temporary abode of the dead in hades/sheol have the lake of fire as their final destination.


But those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life should have no fear of this terrible fate. By faith in Christ and His blood shed on the cross for our sins, we are destined to live eternally in the presence of God.


Jesus is coming…are you ready!


Note: The lesson begins at the 43:15 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (06/12/23) ‘Part 4’ (Week 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…Have you ever wondered where is Hell located? Did you know the Bible tells us and Jesus even spoke about a man who had a conversation with Abraham in Hades… how could that be? So, where is Hades? It is under the earth… there are different terms used in the Bible for heaven and/or hell: Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, the lake of fire, paradise, and Abraham’s bosom. From the Old and New Testaments and Greek and Hebrew language these terms can be very confusing. Tonight, we will be defining these terms take from God’s Word in the Greek and Hebrew languages.


God’s Word is very clear regarding 2 places where you and I will choose to spend eternity based on how we live our life, in habitual obedience to God’s Word or not… there’s no other option as we will find out tonight. Desire to hear the truth, the whole truth regarding: sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” that were foretold about the end times events to wake us up that Jesus is coming…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 40:46 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (06/05/23) ‘Part 4’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… Heaven and Hell are real, these are actual places and not allegory. They are not metaphors, tales or myths but the only 2 choices that you and I have regarding where we will spend eternity. It is our choice!


Many christians, church going self professing christians do not believe in a literal hell. Depending on the poll, the average of church attending christians in the United States, 71% believe in an actual heaven while 34% believe in an actual hell.


Where is Hades? It is under the earth… there are different terms used in the Bible for heaven and/or hell: Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, the lake of fire, paradise, and Abraham’s bosom. From the Old and New Testaments and Greek and Hebrew language these terms can be very confusing. Tonight, we will be defining these terms take from God’s Word in the Greek and Hebrew languages.


Desire to hear the truth, the whole truth regarding: sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” that were foretold about the end times events to wake us up that Jesus is coming…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 39:28 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (05/22/23) ‘Part 3’ (Week 2 of 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… In tonight’s study will be reading about the Apostle Paul as he traveled and taught at the New Testament churches. Paul was very careful as was Jesus prior to going to the cross to make sure people understood that there was a Heaven and Hell, that healing and miraculous signs were part of the Kingdom of God but these “things” were not to be worshiped.


Paul said “I was shown things about heaven” but, “I don’t want to boast” so people wouldn’t desire to worship Paul or Heaven… When Paul and Barnabas were being used by God for healing, they ran when the people started worshipping Paul and what God could do: the miraculous, the signs and wonders instead of being obedient to His Word as a sign of their worship because of who God is, Holy.


The Bible speaks of Heaven because we need to be reminded as Peter said, “It is our living Hope” but His Word also speaks of Hell. These are the only 2 places you and I can go and by speaking of both, God’s Word is telling us that there is judgment coming. Healing is for today, it is still happening but, we are to be chasing or going after the one who can Heal, the one who is Holy and not chasing after the signs or the manifestation of what God can do but desire to be more like Jesus Christ.


1 Peter 1:16 AMPC
16 For it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy.


Desire to hear the truth, the whole truth regarding: sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” that were foretold about the end times events to wake us up that Jesus is coming…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 39:34 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (05/15/23) ‘Part 3’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… Have you ever wondered what happens the moment you die? The body is lifeless, so what happened to the life or spirit/soul that was in the body? God’s Word tells us in His Word what happens the moment the body dies, it returns to dust or the dirt. It doesn’t matter if you a woman had a miscarriage at 2 weeks or you are 102 years old, the moment of conception your spirit and soul went into a body and when that body is no longer, your spirit and soul only go one of to two places…heaven or hell for eternity.


The Apostle Paul is one of the writers from God’s Word that speaks of Paradise or Heaven along with Isaiah, Job, Micaiah, John and Jesus. Paul gives us insight to what happens by sharing what happened to him. Heaven is real, hell is real and God’s Word tells us how to get to Heaven. When Jesus told His disciples that He had to go away and prepare a place for them in heaven was asked a question by Thomas and this was His answer.


John 14:3-6

3 And when I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.

4 And [to the place] where I am going, you know the way.

5 Thomas said to Him, Lord, we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?

6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.


Desire to hear the truth, the whole truth regarding: sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” that were foretold about the end times events to wake us up that Jesus is coming…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 35:14 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (05/08/23) ‘Part 2’ (Week 2 of 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… I’ve got some great news for you…one day, for those who are found habitually righteous (according to God’s Word), we are going to have a glorified body. No more aches, no more pains, no more limitations from former injuries or old age… that’s a Promise from God.


One day our spirit and soul will no longer be in these earthly bodies, so, we have a choice to make, where do we want to spend eternity? Thomas asked Jesus how to spend it with Him in heaven and Jesus replied “I and the way the truth and the life”. Remember, Jesus is the Word (John 1)


Jesus also said, “if you love me, the Father, the Word, then keep my commands.” Not just the “do not’s” but the “do’s” which is go make disciples, go be my witness and replicate yourself as you follow Christ or be fruitful and multiply. My life is not my own, I have been created for His pleasure. I am not to consider this life in my earthen vessel my final home but to look forward to Heaven, my living hope. We are to pursue Him and His desire which is to be His witness, make disciples, to love People as God first loved us by sending His son to die for us. 


We have the very breath of God, His Holy Spirit inside of us and Jesus has atoned for our sins and now, Heaven awaits you and I if we are habitually obedient to His Word(s) and then “our spirit shall return to God Who gave it.”( Ecclesiastes 12:7) God’s Word tells us that we are spirit, soul and body but one day this old body will be no more - Praise God!


Desire to hear the truth…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 36:03 mark following current events.


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“Heaven - Our Living Hope” (04/24/23) ‘Part 2’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI…… Heaven is a real place and not a state of mind. Hell is a real place and there is only 2 options where you and I will spend eternity - Heaven or Hell - we choose by how we live our life habitually according to God's Word. He is the judge, the lawgiver, He is the King and only He can save us. (Isaiah 33:22)


Paul and Peter instructed the New Testament Church on how they must live habitually to spend eternity in Heaven and encouraged them by preaching and teaching about their reward for those who are found/judged righteous.


Our bodies, these imperfect vessels we strive so hard to maintain and find short lived pleasure for will return to dust one day but our spirit/soul will live forever. What we do now, while in the body is what we will be judged by so we need to know what we will be judged for and that takes preaching and teaching about sin.


Jesus said many pastors, preachers and teachers will deceive many in the church causing them not to go to heaven because they will no longer preach about sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” to come. (Prophetic signs about the rapture leading to heaven or hell)


Paul wrote clarifying his ministry… "we refuse to deal craftily (to practice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dishonestly the Word of God, but we state the truth openly (clearly and candidly)” and as a result of speaking the truth, religion and the religious leaders tried to kill Paul.


Desire to hear the truth…where you spend eternity depends on it!


Note: The lesson begins at the 37:37 mark following current events.


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“Heaven, Our Living Hope” (04/17/23) ‘Part 1’ (Week 2 of 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… “Heaven - Our Living Hope” (04/17/23) ‘Part 1’ (Week 2 of 2) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… Peter (In 1 Peter) is reminding and reassuring the New Testament Church about their new life and hope of heaven. He was also reminding them to be obedient to God’s Word, His Commands and by Holy as “He is Holy”. Many  thought they may have missed the rapture, thought they were going through the tribulation. The New Testament Church believed that was Jesus who died on the cross fulfilling what was foretold by the prophets and as a result were being killed by the Romans, harassed and killed by religious leaders and they need to be encouraged.


Peter was not saying anything new but reminding them of what had already been spoken of by the Prophets, the New Testament writers and Jesus Himself.  Paul encouraged the church in his first letter (1 Thessalonians)  as well by reminding them about the rapture of the church and being caught up together to heaven. His instructions and reminder was also on how to get to heaven… be obedient to His Word, commands or precepts.


Two thousand years ago the New Testament Church needed to be reminded about the Hope of Heaven and how to get there or the only way to get there… and the church needs to be reminded of that today! Jesus or the Word is the way, the truth and the life!


Note: The lesson begins at the 31:55 mark following current events.


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“Heaven, Our Living Hope” (04/10/23) ‘Part 1’ (Week 1) Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI… The New Testament writers along with Jesus Himself reminded and reassured the New Testament Church about their new life and hope of heaven. Peter reminded them to be obedient to God’s Word, His Commands and be Holy as “He is Holy” in preparation for eternity in Heaven. Just like at the time of Christ, followers of Jesus Christ today as foretold in God’s Word will be attacked by culture, government and even religious leaders for their faith in Jesus Christ or the Word. 


The Old Testament Prophets, New Testament writes and Jesus reminded you and I about the promise of Heaven and what it will be like…be encouraged and excited about Jesus who is our Living Hope and our inheritance is reserved in Heaven!


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