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In Part 11 of our study:“The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) In the last 16 months, “church” in the United States has changed. From churches shutting down, reopening with social distancing, siding with a godless government administration and a presidential election that divided/exposed the church not politically, but Biblically.


Did you know that the Bible said this division, exposing of wickedness and twisting of the Truth would be revealed as a sign of Jesus return? All throughout the New Testament Paul, Peter, Jude, John and Jesus when asked the question, what must they do to be ready for the rapture? What must they do in order to not go thru the tribulation? What will be the signs of your return they all responded, don’t be deceived or duped by false teaching in the church…all responded with the same answer.


These writers warned the church that pastors, preachers and teachers and self proclaimed prophets would spin God’s Word regarding sin, the end time events, judgement and that many, many, many wouldn’t say anything… they don’t want to get involved, choose sides, divide the church by being political… it’s not political, it’s Biblical what is happening. 


Paul had to address false teaching in the church regarding the rapture. At that time many pastors were preaching the rapture had taken place because of how difficult life was, deceiving many or duping. Paul told them and reminded them of the Old Testament Prophets (who were never wrong), why they said and then addressed the order of events that would take place regarding the rapture.


Paul said the there would be a great departing from the truth or falling away from God’s Word, which is happening very quickly in the last 16 months prior to the rapture. He said the rapture would also take place prior to the antichrist being revealed (42 months into the 7 year tribulation), but it will be spiritually difficult as the people attending church would no longer want to hear the truth.


I know this sounds harsh and maybe you hear this and will become anxious, bitter or question why would God do it this way?…. but God loves us so much that He is telling you and I what to watch out for. This is happening right now and we need to open our eyes and ears to what the Spirit (His Word) is saying. God doesn’t want us to miss the Rapture.


Every Sunday night I take the first 30 minutes before the study begins to look at the current events through the lens of scripture in response to the command by Jesus in Matthew and Luke to know the signs of His return. Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared! 


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 10 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) God’s Word warns the follower or imitator of Jesus Christ to be alert and watch for the signs of Jesus return. He also tells us that we would need the Holy Spirit to guide us, to remind us about the Truth or His Word regarding: sin, judgment, righteousness and ‘things’ to come” or promises in His Word about prophecies that were already spoken that are happening and have yet to occur.


Paul, Peter, Jude, John and Jesus told the New Testament Church when asked the question, what must they do to be ready for the rapture? What must they do in order to not go thru the Tribulation? They all responded, don’t be deceived or duped by false teaching in the church. These writers warned the church that pastors, preachers and teachers and self proclaimed prophets would spin God’s Word regarding sin, the end time events, judgement and that many, many, many wouldn’t say anything… they don’t want to get involved, choose sides, divide the church by being political… it’s not political, it’s Biblical what is happening. 


God’s Word commands us to choose His side, to declare where we stand, to sound the alarm and not stay silent in Word or Deed about what is taking place. The church or pastor(s) that twist the truth or say nothing is the church that you need to leave, The BIBLE says so. Paul did not instruct us to stop going to church (matter of fact, he said to go more), just the one who won’t address what is happening according to God’s Word.


Isaiah prophesied about this End Times pastor(s) or watchmen….


Isaiah 56:10 AMPC

10 [Israel’s] watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; dreaming, lying down, they love to slumber.


WOW, this is the never wrong Prophet Isaiah calling out today’s leaders who don’t want to talk about what is happening Biblically and Truthfully (Jesus is coming and the signs) or are to lazy to study and don’t have the knowledge. The New Testament writers call them weak, wolves in sheep clothing, deceivers… I know this sounds harsh but God loves us so much that He is telling you and I what to watch out for. This is happening right now and we need to open our eyes and ears to what the Spirit is saying.


Every Sunday night I take the first 30 minutes before the study begins to look at the current events through the lens of scripture in response to the command by Jesus in Matthew and Luke to know the signs of His return. Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared! 


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 9 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) There are “things” or signs happening in the world and especially here in the United States that the Bible foretold would happen right before the rapture that are obviously taking place right now. From followers of Jesus Christ, attendees of church, former church goers and those who just live life according to their own moral compass….they all know something is changing, and quickly - As in the days of Noah!


Being bombarded with so much news regarding wickedness in high places: government, education, media, business, medical field… God’s Word said it could make you and I nauseas and desiring not to want to know any more. But, God’s Word commands us to know the signs, to know the warnings of Jesus return which is the reason we need to view all that is happening through the lens of scripture, so we won’t become apathetic, scared and bitter.


Paul told the End Times church in Hebrews that we needed to have faith in the midst of what is happening and what will happen. Faith in God’s Word regarding the signs, prophecies, judgement and that Faith comes by hearing and reading God’s Word. Faith without the act of obedience to God’s Word will end in death (eternity in Hell), that’s all Bible. 


Paul reminded the church about Abraham and Moses that they who were sojourners or temporary living here on this earth and they were the same as them. Their circumstances were temporary and they needed faith to understand that. What we are going through will not last, no matter what it is and ultimately, for those who are found righteous, our permanent home is in Heaven. So, don’t be deceived, satan wants the believer to become bitter, angry about what is taking place and cause them to no longer pay attention, to stay in a rut about not wanting to get involved, live life in a “keep your head down” way instead of in sounding the alarm to the signs of Jesus return… Jesus is coming!


Every Sunday night I take the first 30 minutes before the study begins to look at the current events through the lens of scripture in response to the command by Jesus in Matthew and Luke to know the signs of His return. Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared! 


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 8 of our study (06-13-21): “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) God’s Word tells everyone who wants to hear or read in detail, the signs that will occur prior to the rapture of the church. His Word also tells us that satan knows these signs as well and he will, and is, trying to strike fear, confusion, weariness into God’s people. 


Satan is using government (laws), education, media, sports and entertainment as a tool to attack the follower of Jesus Christ and wear us down. God’s Word tells us that he will and is using religion, watered down sermons, false teaching, social justice and many other things that are outside of God’s Word in order to keep us from sounding the alarm and preparing for His return (repenting).


The attack by many Churches (pastors and their sermons) across this nation is going after men and these leaders are being manipulated by the Jezebel spirit (as the Bible said it would) at the Time of the End. By attacking the men, satan knows that this is an attack on the family and many pastors, preachers, authors frequently attack men who are: fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sons in their sermons as an easy mark to gain points/laughs/religious pride with others. 


Satan is deceiving those in spiritual leadership to speak death and not life over the men of the church. God’s Word said to speak life, to encourage, to pray for your son, your brother, your husband, your grandfather and your father because the enemy is out to get them. He is out to get the family, he is out seeking who he may devour.


I am here today, serving God because of a godly wife, mother and father who prayed for me, who didn’t write me off, who never gave up and chose (it’s a choice) to speak life, to pray for God’s Will to become my will and no longer my own. 


During the waiting process of a husband to change, a son, a brother…Just like Elijah who had done many great things by God’s Power, by His direction but then, found himself on the run and depressed and asking God to take his life, had had given up. We can become overwhelmed with life, finances, relationships, medical situation with ourselves and others that we love. But, God is so loving, that as He let Elijah rest and took care of him but then said, it’s time to go and be my witness… you and I are commanded to do the same. 


Let God become your rest, let God intervene in life’s situations, let God take your cares and anxieties. Because with God, no “thing” is ever impossible! I believe that this message (God’s Word) which begins after the current events will encourage and strengthen you for the days and months ahead, until Jesus comes. 


The first 30 minutes of this study we go over the past weeks current events and look at them thru the lens of scripture as a response to the command to know the signs of Jesus return. These signs or “things” are taking place every day and let 


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 7 of our study (06-06-21): “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days)  God’s Word commands the follower of Jesus Christ to: know the signs of Jesus return, go witness, go make disciples, tell people to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Satan wants to stop the follower of Christ from witnessing, from telling people to repent. He is using the media, government, education, sports/entertainment and a liberal, woke, business as usual religious church to sidetrack and trick the believer into worry, frustration, anger and fear.


Satan is using Fear to shut up the church and it’s directive from God’s Word where He commands us to preach: repent, what is sin, what does it mean to be righteous, about judgment and “things” to come. The liberal or business as usual church is telling the “sounding the alarm” believer that they are conspiracy theorists, political, they are not loving, things are happening as they always have so relax… does this sound familiar? 


God’s Word tells the End Times Church that satan will deceive many in the church by using: preachers, teachers, pastors, christian colleges professors /presidents and so called christian authors who are siding with the anti-god culture in the name of bringing “peace” to a fallen sinful world. Jesus said “you think I’ve come to bring peace at this time, you’re wrong, I’ve come to bring the sword - the sword of truth”. 


Trying to bring peace to a world that doesn’t know Christ is the “tower of Babel”, the one world government and one world religion. It is meant to shut up the prophets of the Old Testament, the New Testament writers and the End Times Remnant who are charged with sounding the alarm and blasting the trumpet.


God’s Word tell us this would take place and how to overcome it. How to stand firm I the midst of the One World government and One World Reeling forming… Jesus said we would see it coming and what it would look like so we would not lose hope, wouldn’t be duped or deceived.


The first 30 minutes of this study we go over the past weeks current events and look at them thru the lens of scripture as a response to the command to know the signs of Jesus return. These signs or “things” are taking place every day and let 


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 6 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) God’s Word tells the End Times Church that satan will deceive many in the church by using: preachers, teachers, pastors, christian colleges professors /presidents and so called christian authors who are siding with the anti-god: government, education, media, sports and entertainment message. 


Peter, Paul, Jude, John and Jesus warned of this Great Deception, no longer preaching about: sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” or end times prophecies that are happening right now and more to come warn us to get ready. Why? Peter and Jude said they want to be liked by a godless culture, they come to church but deny who Jesus is in Word and Deed because they pastors stay on the milk and no longer preach the meat of the Word. The bible said these leaders would be deceived themselves and would come out from the church or God’s Word but that they were really never with God. 


John was told to write the End Times Church about the spirit of Jezebel in Revelation that will be in the church and just like at the time of John the Baptist along with the Old Testament accounts, this Jezebel spirit wants to stop the message of “repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand” from being preached.


King Ahab was a picture of religion, the leader of the God’s People but offering sacrifices that were not holy but profane and his wife Jezebel, the picture of a wicked government behind the scenes, was  killing God’s messengers or prophets while others hid in the caves and many sided with Ahab and Jezebel in order to be left alone and liked by a godless culture.


Our current events (first 30 minutes of each week) tonight will be: Judge Sides with Biden Administration, Rules Christian College Must Allow Men to Share Showers With Women….Space Force commander fired for slamming the spread of Critical Race Theory across the military…Chancellor Merkel’s Germany: 81% of Jews have been attacked by Muslims.


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 5 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days)… Did you hear about End Time Prophecy that is taking place right now this past Sunday in church? Israel is bombing Hamas?…Turkey and Russia (listed in Ezekiel) are talking about stopping Israel from defending itself against the Palestinians?…The European nations spoken of by the never wrong Prophet Daniel from the Old Western Roman Empire are asking the UN to stop Israel?


Jude (New Testament) when knowing, paying attention to what was happening to the follower of Jesus Christ and the Jewish people - slaughtered by the Romans, taxed illegally, business closed down, wrongfully thrown into jail for their beliefs and as a result the church wanted to know if they were going through the tribulation? They asked, did we miss the rapture? and if not, what would be the signs prior to Jesus returning because they didn’t want to miss it and they knew it was written down on what to do and what signs to look for. In his letter Jude responded and said, I wanted to speak to you about our “regular schedule program” or “milk” but, I see what is happening and you need to know so “I am impelled or I am forced to talk to you about what the prophets wrote about this so you don’t miss the rapture”


Throughout the United States this past week, anti-Israel and Pro Palestine protests were taking place…Hollywood, actors, models are taking the streets to speak out against the jewish people and Israel because of the fighting that is taking place but the Church stayed silent on Sunday?


With many, many pastor, preachers, teachers, so called christian college presidents and professors who voted against Israel,   against life and for the anti-god, anti-Israel platform have decided to stay silent or give the token “I stand with Israel” on their Facebook page but they voted against Israel?


What we have seen in the last 14 months with many churches voluntarily closing down with no mandates, saying: it is for the better, if we really loved people, we don’t want to get into trouble… even though it wasn’t required and with no threat of legal action or fines in most cases - this was the litmus test for what is to come. This is not political, it is Biblical what is taking place, what will and what has the church already shown it will do in these End Times. God’s Word said I will test you in the little things first before I expose you to the big “thing”.


The Bible said that we, the follower of Jesus Christ would see the church (in general) start coming together with government to appease, to unify, to find a common denominator (what we will or won’t speak about as sin), to only speak and preach what is not offensive in order to create the tower of Babel… this was told by God’s Word that it would be a sign but many pastors are screaming “conspiracy theorists!”


It’s not conspiracy if it’s true… this is right out of God’s Word and it’s step by step in what God said would take place as we see the division taking place, the wheat and the tares and this is the beginning of the shaking that is taking place that Paul told the End Times church would happen.


This weeks current events to start off the night: Israel being attacked by Gaza/Palestine and the world will be in supported of Palestine - Bible said this would happen starting in Gaza…EU nations and Turkey, Russia and Iran would surround Israel and position themselves to the south and in northern Golan Heights…Pastors are being put into prison for preaching against sin..


Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared!vDo you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 4 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) … God’s Word tells you and I to not live in fear, to fight the good fight of faith and expose wickedness in media, government, education and in the church as a sign of Jesus return. Satan is using these areas of influence to attack God’s People with the Jezebel spirit which was prophesied would happen at the Time of the End.


God’s Word tells us the leaders of these very powerful industries thru false narratives will divide the Church as many pastors will be deceived and deceive or dupe/trick many christians into believing, living, acting as the government, education and media want them to - no longer believing God’s Word is true.


The Bible commands us to know what will happen, how it will happen and that we are to be on guard, to be alert to a woke message, a liberal or liberating from the truth (God’s Word) message. A passive pastor who will deceive many by saying nothing and hides behind the “it’s political” so let’s not talk about it, when it really is “Biblical” and God commands the pastor, preacher, teacher to sound the alarm and blast the trumpet to what is happening.


This weeks current events to start off the night: Return to 'Murderapolis'? Violent crime has surged in Minneapolis. President Obama related tens of thousands of islamic refugees in Minnesota with that state having many islamic government officials who are anti-christian and anti-American in position of power… California college professor is put on leave after flipping out at a 19-year-old student for calling cops 'heroes' during a presentation on 'cancel culture’… John Kerry sold his shares in OIL firms on becoming Biden's climate czar to 'avoid conflicts of interest' - then warns we only have nine YEARS to save the planet from climate change…Jesus said it wold like “As In The Days Of Noah” when he returned and one of those signs would be wickedness in  government, eduction, media and in the “religious” church.


Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared!vDo you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.

Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared!vDo you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 3 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) … Throughout God’s Word, in the Old and New Testaments prior to judgment there is always a remnant group of people who are righteous. By definition the remnant is: what remains or what is kept aside when the original is gone or used up. The remnant is in the minority and at times the enemy can make the remnant feel inferior or even question are they “in the right” or righteous. 


But God has always made known His commands, what is right or righteous, what is sin, the judgement to come from disobedience and obedience, “things” that are meant to deceive and lead into error and the remnant, you and I need to put on Gods Armor, fight the good fight of faith, call out the wickedness in these last days. Full of faith and not fear !


As in the Days of Noah and Lot, a small number (remnant) of people chose to be obedient to God and act upon the warning signs by faith. Paul answered the question(s) from the New Testament church who thought they were going thru the Tribulation, thought they had missed the rapture on what they must do to be ready.


Paul went back to the Old Testament to remind them of “things” they have already heard preached, by Faith Noah built the ark and escaped, by Faith Abraham offered up everything to God including his son, by Faith Enoch was righteous and was raptured in Genesis 5. The never wrong Prophet Isaiah said God told us or has shown us from the beginning what would happen in the end.


The wickedness in the church, the liberal pastors, the woke preachers and teachers, twisting the truth is as a sign for you and I to be ready, to continue to meet together even more often as the time approaches to lift each other up, to encourage one another, to sound the alarm and blow the trumpet that Jesus is coming! 


This weeks current events to start off the night: The Vatican wishes Muslims, as “bearers of hope”… “divine blessings” while extending well-wishes to their “dear Muslim brothers and sisters a fruitful month of Ramadan” While muslims in Nigeria, are slaughtering christians wantonly and the Catholic Church — which survives on the donations of the faithful — just built a mosque. This is part of the One world religion and government Revelation 13, 17&18 taking place… 75% of the Christian University Faculty in Seattle revolt after Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality, stating the Bible is no longer true regarding same sex marriage, gender and homosexuality - As in the days of Lot and Romans 1 is taking place. 


Everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…Jesus is coming ! Don’t be scared, be prepared!vDo you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 2 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) … Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, Jude warned the church that many pastors, preachers, teachers, authors would no longer speak the truth about sin, judgement, righteousness and “things” or prophecies to come. These liberal religious leaders are liberating from The Truth, this is a liberal gospel and the Apostle Paul said leave that church, teaching, and go sit under teaching and preaching that does not twist God’s Word that is not passive (passive defined; Acceptance of what happens, without active response or resistance; the state of inactivity;). These passive pastors say nothing as out of ignorance, lack of a spiritual backbone and laziness - Bible says so. God’s Word tells the believer to get out of those churches but he didn’t say stop going, just don’t go to that woke, liberal, passive, deceiving church… Paul said we should be going more but only where the whole Truth is Being Told !


So, what are some of the ways the believer, the follower of Jesus Christ has, is and will be deceived?  The Bible tells us that before and after the flood that God’s people mingled with, married, adopted the manners and way of living of the seed of the serpent or followers of satan, wicked people. Jesus said it will be like the days of Noah and Pastors, preachers, teachers, followers of Jesus Christ, church attendees will mingle or weave together or combine with people, thoughts, ideas, theories of a godless culture. Remember, this is not Political as many pastors, media and church attendees would have you believe or deceive you with, it is Biblical.


The Bible warns us that every time God’s People started to align with the godless culture, teach a different Jesus, that many are and will be led astray. Pastors right now across their country are deceiving many and many pastors are deceived as well. 


The Bible tells us how to identify these liberal pastors (preachers, teacher, authors and “christian colleges) or liberating from the truth religious leaders. God’s Word tells us to fight the good fight of faith, to come up against these Giants of government, media, education, sports/entertainment and the religious deceptive leaders.


God’s Word doesn’t want us to be deceived, tricked or duped, led astray into error. Jesus said as in the Days Of Noah and Lot is what it would be like, Isaiah said God has told us from the beginning what would happen at the End, Paul, Peter, Jude and John said to the church, don’t be deceived by liberating from the truth preaching (or lack of preaching about what is taking place) at the End of Time.


This weeks current events to start off the night: Palestinian Authority regularly indoctrinates its people to equate Israelis with Nazis (this is what is taking place in America)… US cancels warships deployment to Black Sea: backing down to Russia… The Vatican invites Chelsea Clinton, Dr. Fauci, New Age figure Deepak Chopra, and the CEOs of Moderna and Pfizer to speak at a May conference focusing on "health" and the “soul”… everything is happening just like the Bible said it would…


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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In Part 1 of our study: “The Great Deception” (How To Keep From Falling Away in the Last Days) … Jesus said in giving His final instructions to His disciples when asked the question, “what will it look like, what are the signs or “things” we should look out for to know when you will return again?” Jesus told them to be careful, don’t be deceived regarding false and misleading preaching, teaching in the church.


Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, Jude warned the church that many pastors, preachers, teachers would no longer speak the truth about sin, judgement, righteousness and “things” or prophecies to come. There will also be many pastors who say nothing as well out of ignorance, lack of a spiritual backbone and laziness - Bible says so. God’s Word tells the believer to get out of those churches but not stop going, Paul said we should be going more but only where the whole Truth is Being Told !


God’s Word commands the Pastor to speak out against this deception, to call out the deceiver(s), to preach the Word regardless if it wants to be heard. The Pastor is charged with sounding the alarm, blasting the trumpet to what is happening in the church…it’s not political it is Biblical what is taking place.


The current events also are taken right from the pages of God’s Word. These events were foretold as a sign, as a Promise  that would be fulfilled so we would not be caught unaware, so we would repent, and be rapture ready: China and Iran signed an economic and security cooperation agreement according to which Beijing will invest $400 billion in Iran over the next 25 years…Putin poised to set out vision for future in dramatic speech, in what allies say will be ‘world’s most important political event…Iran and Turkey just met to show their growing alliance with each other and working with Russia to control the Middle East


Do you want to be “in the know” about what is to come? You won’t want to miss this teaching right from God’s Word, Old and New Testament tells us about the Time Of The End and they are never in conflict with one another.


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