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“CREATION SCIENCE” (02/19/24) Part 14 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…   This is our last night in this series and we have addressed many questions Biblically regarding “things” that the Bible clearly answers. From dinosaurs, age of the earth, flat earth and other topics that we have addressed in God’s Word during this series, there is one more thing left in this series to study…UFO’s and Aliens. Most pastors, preachers and teachers don’t want to teach on any of these things….but, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, convenient or inconvenient, the truth must be preached.


So, do UFO’s exist? Tonight, as we conclude this series I want to address what is being seen and what explanation can I give you that is Biblical. Also, are there actual alien life forms, could they be angelic in nature or demonic… what does the Bible say? I am here to give you Bible, to give you the Truth which is God’s Word in order to give you peace.


Remember, the unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.

Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 14:13 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (02/12/24) Part 13 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…   From dinosaurs, age of the earth, flat earth and other topics that we have addressed in God’s Word during this series, there is one more thing left in this series to study…UFO’s and Aliens. Most pastors, preachers and teachers don’t want to teach on any of these things….but, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, convenient or inconvenient, the truth must be preached.


Did you know that almost 40% (37%) of people in the United States believe in UFO’s (unidentified flying objects) and these are alien spacecraft from another time dimension or galaxy. While 60% of Americans believe there is a natural explanation to what people are seeing, a reasonable explanation to the phenomenon of UFO’s.


So, do UFO’s exist? As we conclude this series over the next 2 weeks I want to address what is being seen and what explanation can I give you that is Biblical. Also, are there actual alien life forms, could they be angelic in nature or demonic… what does the Bible say? I am here to give you Bible, to give you the Truth which is God’s Word in order to give you peace.


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 34:54 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (02/05/24) Part 12 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)… What is the responsibility of the pastor, preacher and teacher according to God’s Word on what to speak, address? Paul told Pastor Timothy who was training other pastors to accurately divide the Word of Truth, to avoid useless idle talk by shutting down false teaching, myths, ideology by skillfully and accurately speaking the Truth. Because, a little leaven or slight inclination into error spoils/contaminates our faith. In part 12 I will be also addressing gnosticism that is taking place with many in the church which is behind much of what Paul is warning Timothy about that will take place at the Time of the End.


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 27:13 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (01/29/24) Part 11 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…  Did you now that there is a large “Flat Earth” movement that is taking place in the church? You might be thinking “Flat Earth”, who cares?… what does that have to do with my salvation or anyone’s salvation. What is the big deal?


Did you know that there are millions of people on this GLOBE that think it is flat? Many of these people are christians and we are going to look at the why and the dangers of this belief. The belief in, movement of, lie/deceit or theory of a flat earth is not something that just one age group believes but people of all ages are believing this to be true. 


Paul told Pastor Timothy who was training other pastors to accurately divide the Word of Truth, to avoid useless idle talk by shutting down false teaching, myths, ideology by skillfully and accurately speaking the Truth. Because, a little leaven or slight inclination into error spoils/contaminates our faith.


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 40:36 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (12/18/23) Part 10 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)… Week 3 of 3 of Did Dinosaurs exist? If so, when? If they roamed the earth before Adam, why does God say that death never entered the earth until after Adam? If that is true, how did Noah get Dinosaurs on the Ark? Is there proof dinosaurs lived after the flood? In the Old Testament, God had a conversation with Job about life and who created everything. From the sun, the sea, the tides, the wind…God asks Job “tell me how this all came to be if you now?”.


God reminds Job about the largest animal He ever created that Job had seen and describes it in detail, it wasn’t a hippo or an elephant…it was what we would refer to today as a dinosaur. God is not asking Job these questions expecting an answer but to change His attitude about who God is and all that has been and will ever be. As man tries to figure out life questions outside of God’s answers there will alway be chaos and confusion.


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path. Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 14:04 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (12/11/23) Part 9 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)… Week 2 of 3 - Did Dinosaurs exist? If so, when? If they roamed the earth before Adam, why does God say that death never entered the earth until after Adam? If that is true, how did Noah get Dinosaurs on the Ark? Is there proof dinosaurs lived after the flood?


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 14:52 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (12/04/23) Part 8 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…Did Dinosaurs exist? If so, when? If they roamed the earth before Adam, why does God say that death never entered the earth until after Adam? If that is true, how did Noah get Dinosaurs on the Ark? Is there proof dinosaurs lived after the flood? The amount of information and details that are in God’s Word is incredible to me. If you seek, you shall find…and not in a “I hope so” or “that’s a pretty big leap” but in a very evidential fact finding way, the Bible gives us the answers to all of life’s questions.


Tonight, December 4th we begin our journey, in search of dinosaurs in the Bible, on the Ark, when they lived on the earth. Bible and science, the historical record of what is measurable, testable and observable. Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path. Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


- Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 24:33 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (11/27/23) Part 7 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…The “things” we are studying in this series will not just bring answers to the several questions regarding creation science but… it also enriches our understating of God’s Word. There is an abundance of information in the Bible that often, we glance over, don’t give a second thought to, don’t think it is significant but, that is why we study the Bible. The revelation of the information leads to transformation. The work or proof that the Holy Spirit does when He is within us is a transformed life.


With so many people, organizations, education systems, scientists having their own “truth” it can very confusing… because they are all different but with one thing as a common denominator… it is contrary to God’s Word. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”


This is what Paul wrote to the church, speaking very clearly about what the godless culture was trying to impress upon the people of that day….


Colossians 2:8 AMPC

8 See to it that no one carries you off as spoil or makes you yourselves captive by his so-called philosophy and intellectualism and vain deceit (idle fancies and plain nonsense), following human tradition (men’s ideas of the material rather than the spiritual world), just crude notions following the rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding [the teachings of] Christ (the Messiah).


Remember, The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 14:08 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (11/20/23) Part 6 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)… It was 43 years ago when President Reagan began his 8 year term as President of the United States. He had several famous quotes that are still used today and one of my personal favorites is: “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”


The “things” we are studying in this series will not just bring answers to the several questions regarding creation science but… it also enriches our understating of God’s Word. There is an abundance of information in the Bible that often, we glance over, don’t give a second thought to, don’t think it is significant but, that is why we study the Bible. The revelation of the information leads to transformation. The work or proof that the Holy Spirit does when He is within us is a transformed life.


Science continues to prove the Bible is true! The unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


- Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 29:33 mark following current events.


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“CREATION SCIENCE” (11/13/23) Part 5 (Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…We have studied how the indoctrination of evolution thru the military, government and education has aided what is behind the curtain… humanism or there is no creator. Evolution needs time so no one can prove it’s not true… if we are told bacteria turned into a man quickly in a couple of months or even years we would know it is a fairly tale because that is measurable, testable and observable. 


If we are told a primate turned into a man quickly in a couple of months or even years we would know it is a fairly tale because that is measurable, testable and observable. In order for the lie to be believed evolution needs the one key ingredient… billions of years. Who can question what happened billions of year ago? Remember, science is systemized knowledge derived from observation and study.


A majority of scientist believe in Darwin evolution but that doesn’t make it true. It is true they believe it, but what they believe is not true.


Romans 1:22-32 KJV

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,


Remember, we need to have compassion towards people who have been duped and deceived by a godless education system who don't believe God's word is the truth. They have been indoctrinated into believing a portion of what is true and it's what's not true that's could kill them not just physically, but may lead to spending all of eternity in hell because they don't believe God's Word is true.


Remember, “in the beginning, God created everything”! Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 14:25 mark following current events.


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“Creation Science” (11/06/23) Part 4 (Community Bible Study Monday nights in Plymouth, MI.)…  God’s Word told us from the beginning what would happen at the end (remember, satan know his fate and wants to take as many people with him to hell for all eternity). Satan will try and do everything he can to see if we know the Word or commands and then get us to question God’s Word. He wants to question our final judgment, if we are not obedient to God’s Word. How does satan do this? Satan uses education, government, sports, medicine, entertainment and religion to get you and I to question the truth, to question or change the facts and ultimately the outcome… this is about judgment, did God really say He would judge us like that?


Remember, “in the beginning, God created everything”! Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


- Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 32:53 mark following current events.


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“Creation Science” (10/30/23) Part 3 (Community Bible Study Monday nights in Plymouth, MI.)… A Creationist believes, in the Beginning God created the earth 6,000 years ago and the Evolutionist or Humanist believes, in the Beginning, Dirt 20 billion years ago. These 2 different or opposite beliefs is a choice, which one do you believe?


The religion of evolution and the religion of twisting God’s Word in the church regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” or judgments to come is all from satan… Jesus said so.


If there was a Big Bang and everything we see now is a result of billions of years of evolution, what is the purpose of Jesus coming down to earth and dying on the cross to save us from our sins? God’s Word says that HE will restore the earth like it used to be… If there was a Big Bang and everything we see now is a result of billions of years of evolution what will He restore it to be like? Nothing?


Remember, “in the beginning, God created everything”! Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 19:15 mark following current events.


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“Creation Science” (10/23/23) Part 2 (Community Bible Study Monday nights in Plymouth, MI.) … Genesis 1:1 KJV 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. There is essentially 2 worldviews, God created everything or the humanist worldview that everything has evolved, we are gods and therefore what we think and say is right. This theory has no evidence and no science, it is not measurable, testable or observable.


Science is measurable, testable and observable


Humanist (theory of evolution) have to use million or billions of years in order for theories not to be measurable, testable and observable. Rules/laws have to be discarded to derive at something outside of the truth. This way of thinking/actions of discarding truth is also used in churches today. Jesus said that many pastors, preachers and teachers will come in His Name and deceive many (Matt 24). How? by omitting His Words or the Truth.


Many in the science community have twisted the truth about creation, saying it wasn’t God who created everything so… anything goes. From the science that is taught in schools, to the students who then go into education, government, sports/entertainment, the arts, medicine and pastors at christian churches who believe in: climate change (we can save the planet), male and female are not the only 2 options, questioning or teaching God really never said that.


The religion of evolution and the religion of twisting God’s Word in the church regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things” or judgments to come is all from satan… Jesus said so. If the world just “made itself” like the humanist or evolutionist believe, how did matter get here?


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! - Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 21:42 mark following current events.


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“Creation Science” (10/16/23) Part 1 (Community Bible Study on Monday nights in Plymouth, MI.) 


Lesson begins at the 26:08 mark following current events.


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