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The Rapture” (04/12/23) ‘Part 8’ Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan….  Part 8 is the conclusion of our study on the Rapture of the Church. God’s Word is very clear in the Old and New Testament that the rapture will take place at the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation and not during. 


God’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever and it tells us how we can be caught up together or raptured. His Word tells us in detail about what is sin, tells us about judgment and His righteousness and the “things” to come to tip us off about the timing of the rapture. 


The signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would prior to the rapture taking place and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 25:23 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (03/29/23) ‘Part 7’ week 1 of 2 Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan…. Why does God’s Word, the Bible, tell us to watch Israel and Jerusalem specifically regarding when Jesus would return? What can we learn from Genesis about what is taking place today in Israel that let’s us know that the Rapture of the Church is near?


The signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would prior to the rapture taking place and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming


Note: The lesson begins at the 25:25 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (03/29/23) ‘Part 7’ week 1 of 2 Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan…. Why does God’s Word, the Bible, tell us to watch Israel and Jerusalem specifically regarding when Jesus would return? What can we learn from Genesis about what is taking place today in Israel that let’s us know that the Rapture of the Church is near?


The signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would prior to the rapture taking place and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming


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The Rapture” (03/22/23) ‘Part 6’ Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan.  Old and New Testament foretold of the Rapture of the Church…this is not a new theology or idea. From the parables of the 10 Virgins, Isaiah speaking of those who died righteous would come out of the ground and be hidden in a chamber for a short period of time until God’s judgments have passed… The jewish wedding in Bible times and what happens between the bride and groom was told regarding the relationship of Jesus and the Church today…The signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would prior to the rapture taking place and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 15:41 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (03/15/23) ‘Part 5’ (week 2 of 2) Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. Old and New Testament foretold of the Rapture of the Church…this is not a new theology or idea. The signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would prior to the rapture taking place and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 25:51 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (03/08/23) ‘Part 5’ (week 1) Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. God always sends messengers, prophets to forewarn people of judgment that is to come. His Word tells you and I what were being judge on and the way to escape punish and receive a reward.


Today, God is using pastors, preachers and teacher to forewarn people using the Old and New Testament from the Prophets, Apostles and Jesus Himself that judgment is coming and what everyone must do to be ready.


Jesus said that He will use the Word to judge and His Word, His commands, His Laws, His Precepts have never changed. He is the King, Judge, Lawgiver and only He can save us.


Unfortunately, many religious leaders are adding and deleting from God’s Word as we foretold as a sign and leading Many astray. Peter, Paul, John and Jesus said many wold be deceived and duped about sin, judgment, righteousness and the signs or “things” in God’s Word that were already foretold that would happen.


These signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 26:22 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (03/01/23) ‘Part 4’ Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. John and Paul throughout the New Testament spoke to the people of that day about the judgement to come paralleling that of what was and had take place all along that they understood.

In the Jewish culture, every seven years there was a great assembly that would take place at the Temple. We know from the historical writings that every seventh year was a jubilee cycle (Leviticus Chapter 25) where the land rested. It was a time of freedom from oppression, and the silver trumpets of Jubilee (Numbers Chapter 10) would blow on the Day of Atonement which, on the Hebrew calendar, was the 10th day of the seventh month.


On the seventh year, all the people would assemble in front of the platform at the Temple mount in Jerusalem. When the crowd arrived, the King of Israel would ascend to the what was called the Bema, which is a large platform.


Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ defined:

The Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ in Revelation Chapter 11 is where the rewards will be given by Christ and the 24 elders. Many scholars believe the 24 elders is comprised of the 12 sons of Jacob in the Old Testament and the 12 Apostles from the New Testament. Jacob’s sons from the first covenant will help judge the rewards given out to the Old Testament saints. The apostles will help judge the new covenant or New Testament saints for their rewards. This is not a salvation judgment but one based on rewards.


John reminds us in Revelation that this is what it will be like for those who are raptured away prior to the 7 year tribulation. We will be given our rewards and escape the judgments that will come upon all those who remain on the earth for 7 years.


The Rapture means judgment, reward and punishment and Jude told the New Testament church that pastors, preachers and teacher would pervert God’s grace into immorality and wickedness. Many religious leaders are adding and deleting from God’s Word as we foretold as a sign and leading Many astray. Peter, Paul, John and Jesus said many wold be deceived and duped about sin, judgment, righteousness and the signs or “things” in God’s Word that were already foretold that would happen. These signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 14:17 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (02/15/23) ‘Part 3’ Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. After Paul was blinded by the light he went away received the revelation from Jesus Himself that it was Him who just died on the cross and rose again as was prophesied in the Old Testament.


Paul went away for 3 years with the same scriptures that he had before but was told by his religion that the signs or things in God’s Word pertaining to Jesus and His coming in the flesh were not true at that time…these were not the signs or the Word taking place.  Now, with the same scriptures but now the correct revelation to what they mean Paul changed his mind. It is important who you are listening to…pastor, preacher and teacher.


What is happening today, the Scriptures are being fulfilled once again regarding Jesus soon arrival. He said ‘I have to go away but I will come back’. From the Old Testament writers speaking of a future rapture, the New Testament writers and Jesus himself all spoke about the pre tribulation Rapture as a reward for living habitually righteous as well.


But, just as it was when Jesus first appeared in the flesh…religion doesn’t want to talk about the Word becoming flesh or manifesting itself in it’s fulness again. The Word is happening right now all around us, the signs pointing to the Rapture of the Church. The signs that we are commanded to know that will take place shortly that was prophesied would come to it’s fulness in the 7 years tribulation, Jesus said when we see the signs coming to pass get ready to go prior to the Tribulation, not during or after.


The Rapture means judgment, reward and punishment and Jude told the New Testament church that pastors, preachers and teacher would pervert God’s grace into immorality and wickedness. Many religious leaders are adding and deleting from God’s Word as we foretold as a sign and leading Many astray. Peter, Paul, John and Jesus said many wold be deceived and duped about sin, judgment, righteousness and the signs or “things” in God’s Word that were already foretold that would happen.


These signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 31:10 mark following current events.


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The Rapture” (02/08/23) ‘Part 2” Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. When Jesus (the Word) appeared in the flesh and spoke in the Synagogue saying, “Today Scripture has been fulfilled while you are present and hearing.” Jesus told the preachers, teachers and church goes of that day, everything you have been reading about in the Scriptures (the Old Testament) about the signs of the coming Messiah… I’m here.


Jesus (The Word) had fulfilled all the prophecies that were given in great detail about how to identify the Messiah. But, when the prophecies of Jesus arrival was fulfilled, religion and the religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus - the Bible says so.


What is happening today, the Scriptures are being fulfilled once again regarding Jesus soon arrival. He said ‘I have to go away but I will come back’. From the Old Testament writers speaking of a future rapture, the New Testament writers and Jesus himself all spoke about the pre tribulation Rapture as a reward for living habitually righteous as well.


But, just as it was when Jesus first appeared in the flesh…religion doesn’t want to talk about the Word becoming flesh or manifesting itself in it’s fulness again. The Word is happening right now all around us, the signs pointing to the Rapture of the Church. The signs that we are commanded to know that will take place shortly that was prophesied would come to it’s fulness in the 7 years tribulation, Jesus said when we see the signs coming to pass get ready to go prior to the Tribulation, not during or after.


The Rapture means judgment, reward and punishment and Jude told the New Testament church that pastors, preachers and teacher would pervert God’s grace into immorality and wickedness. Many religious leaders are adding and deleting from God’s Word as we foretold as a sign and leading Many astray. Peter, Paul, John and Jesus said many wold be deceived and duped about sin, judgment, righteousness and the signs or “things” in God’s Word that were already foretold that would happen.


These signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 21:11 mark following current events.


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“The Rapture” (02/01/23) ‘Part 1” Wednesday Night Bible Study/Growth Class at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston Michigan. Jesus commands us to know the “signs” or “things” already written in His Word that He gave us in great detail that would point to the Rapture of the Church prior to the 7 year Tribulation.


God’s Word tells us that we will be “caught up together” or Raptured, removed out of harms way prior to the 7 year Tribulation. Who will be raptured? Those who are habitually righteous (obedient to God’s Commands or His Word, the Bible) and have been looking for or prepared for the Rapture because they know the signs and won’t be caught unaware.


God’s Word answers the questions regarding: What is the Rapture? When does it take place…before the 7 year Tribulation? 42 months after the Tribulation begins? At the end of the Tribulation? Why do I have to know the signs or “things” that will take place doing the Tribulation if we are not here?


As followers Jesus Christ (the Word) we need to know what His Word says and then act on it. Faith (faith in the Rapture, judgment, what I must do to be ready) without works or acts of obedience (my actions, my conduct regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and things to come) will lead to eternity in Hell, the Bible says so.


John wrote in Revelation 1 regarding the End Time Events that as pastors, preachers, teachers we will be blessed to speak about the return of Jesus, the rapture and the signs that point to His soon return. He also wrote that those who hear about the Rapture, the End Time events through the lens of scripture will be blessed and Jesus said you will have peace because you know.


Revelation 1:3 AMPC

3 Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who reads aloud [in the assemblies] the word of this prophecy; and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who hear [it read] and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it [heeding them and laying them to heart], for the time [for them to be fulfilled] is near.


Jesus said when you and I see these signs or “things” all coming together at once (not in their fullness but aligning or positioning) that He commands us to know the the Rapture is soon.


Matthew 24:33 AMPC

33 So also when you see these signs, all taken together, coming to pass, you may know of a surety that He is near, at the very doors.


Matthew 24:33 KJV

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.


These signs or “things” are happening just like the Bible said they would and Jesus commanded us to know them (Luke 21 and Matt 24). Jesus is coming ! 


Note: The lesson begins at the 22:37 mark following current events.


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