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“Mark of the Beast” teaching from my online series “Do you know what the Bible says about that?” This episode: I answer the question from God's Word, Old and New Testament what is the “mark” and what is the “beast”. From thousands of years ago, the Bible writers said after Israel become a nation again that we would see a cashless currency coming to pass (and we do). The Bible said there would be a (chip, stamp, etching or mark) placed in the right hand or forehead in order to buy sell or trade…How would John in the book of Revelation 2,000 years ago know this would take place? If the Bible is right about that, what else does God's Word tell us about the days we are living in?

“What is Foul?” teaching from my online series “Do you know what the Bible says about that?” This episode: Does the Bible tell you and I what is foul? What are the Words? What is the penalty for habitually being foul? Doe God really care about the words taht I speak? In this series I answer questions Biblically on a variety of topics in the church today that many pastors preacher and teachers will not talk about or twist the truth about - Jesus said the would happen. Discipleship is vital in growing and maturing in our relationship with Jesus Christ, He said “If you love me, keep my commands”.


1 Peter 1:15 AMPC

15 But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living.

Alcohol ‘Part 2’ of the new online series “Do you know what the Bible says about that?” In this series I will be answering questions Biblically on a variety of topics in the church today… This episode: Alcohol ‘Part 2”. Can a pastor drink according to God’s Word? Can a christian drink according to God’s Word? Did Jesus really turn the water into alcohol for His first miracle? Did Paul really tell Timothy a little wine is good for the belly?

New Series “Do you know what the Bible says about that?” I will be answering questions Biblically on a variety of topics in the church today… This episode: Alcohol ‘Part 1”

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