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In Part 8 we look at Samson, he was raised to be holy, to be set apart just like you and me, followers of Jesus Christ. But, he continuously had close associations or friendships with people who did not serve God in their heart or with their actions (word and deed). He was yoked to the wrong friends and then desired a woman who was the same and he lost everything that God had planned for him.

So how did it happen? overnight? no, God gives us warnings in His Word and hopefully we have people in our lives who are Godly who will be Biblical and speak or warn us as check points  when we are not making Godly choices.

Samson started out following God in everything and was blessed but then he began to make subtle changes. First the Bible said  he went down to Timnath to find relationship, he was in lonely and desiring something that God said don’t do it. Timnath means: ‘check point’ in the Hebrew. Samson was called to be in the world but not of it. But he’s about to yoke himself to a person of this world and God gives him a check, a check in his spirit and in life.

The law of association says, that you are either becoming like them or they are becoming like you. This association transfer is both subtle and powerful… don’t be deceived or duped.

Then, finally Samson went to Gaza, sworn enemies of God’s people, contrary to God, living for themselves just to be with Delilah. Gaza means: Stronghold…. Samson went past the checkpoints continuously with worldly relationships (in and out of church) and eventually he was in a stronghold and he lost the anointing and the power to withstand the enemies temptations because of his choices contrary to God’s Word and didn’t even know it. Remember, the law of association is sublte and powerful.

Paul told the followers of Christ right before the rapture of the church to make sure we cut off that or who is entangling us and the sin. He separates the 2, relationships or external “things” and the sin that we commit.

The wisest man ever, King Solomon said…

Prov 13:20 GNT
20 Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.

The people we hang out with, can cause us to go to sleep to the Promises in God’s Word. From their unbelief, disobedience to God’s commands and we can be duped into acting just like them…the Bible says so. Be careful who you call friend(s), you are becoming like them or they are becoming like you… which one is it? Don’t fall asleep to the impact that your close associations will have on your eternity - this is a command from God’s Word.

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In Part 7 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, God’s Word tells us, you and I as followers of Jesus Christ to be very careful who are close friends or associations are. Who we allow to speak into our lives, who we spend time with greatly influence our thoughts, actions and how we speak. Jesus told His disciples, you and I , that at the Time of the End it would like the days of Noah and the says of Lot (Luke 17). Jesus continued with His instruction in chapter 17 saying “don’t look back at this wicked world which will only get worse the closer we get to the rapture and think, I wish we could go back to the way it was”. He said in verse 32, remember Lot’s wife, referring back to the story in Genesis of when she knew of the judgment to come, saw Sodom being destroyed but wanted to be back there with here friends, longing to be back in that wicked place even though she saw it being destroyed.

Paul told us in the book of Hebrews to remember Moses, going back to the time of when God’s people go the go ahead to separate from the wicked rule of Egypt. but, Moses got frustrated by the people he was surrounded with. They wanted to go back to Egypt, that wicked place where they were under captivity because they were out in the desert, not knowing when they were going to enter the Promised land. They continuously complained about everything, even though everything they went through meant they were closer to the Promise from God. From miraculous provision and fulfilled prophecies, God did all that He said HE would do but they complained, doubted and were disobedient.

Moses becomes so angry and frustrated from those closest to him, they were doubting, complaining and acting as if the Promise would not come, desiring to go back to the wicked place (just like Lot’s wife) that he was not allowed to go into the Promised Land.  Hebrews 4 and Numbers 12).

Who we hang out with impacts our eternity. The wisest man who ever lived (Bible said so) wrote:

Proverbs 14:32
32 Wicked people bring about their own downfall by their evil deeds, but good people are protected by their integrity

Prov 13:20 GNT
20 Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.

The people we hang out with, can cause us to go to sleep to the Promises in God’s Word. From their unbelief, disobedience to God’s commands we can be duped into acting just like them…the Bible says so. Be careful who you call friend(s), you are becoming like them or they are becoming like you… which one is it? Don’t fall asleep to the impact your close associations will have on your eternity - this is a command from God’s Word.

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In Part 6 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, God’s Word told us that there would be a “One World Religion” and a “One World Economy” or Beast Government/System headed by the antichrist/islamic government leader and false prophet/pope during the seven year tribulation. Jesus said that when we see these “things” or “signs” beginning to form: RFID chip required to buy sell trade and to show immunization, Israel surrounded and hated, pastors and churches no longer calling homosexuality and drunkeness a sin, pastors liberating from the truth and placating to anti-god government leaders - know that the time is near for the rapture of the church.

God’s Word said that the spirit of the antichrist will continue and is already working through pastors, the churches and it’s preachers and teachers who have turned away from the truth (Bible). The anti-god, baby killing, christian church hating liberal democrat government loves this because they are trying to promote a One World Religion as well with the anti-god laws they are creating which is needed to promote a “one world government” or Beast system (Daniel 2, 4, 7 and Rev 13,17 & 18).

God is not trying to sneak up on anyone, in 2005, then Senator Joe Biden at the confirmation hearing for Justice Roberts said “during your tenure you will have to decide is it lawful for a US citizen to be chipped”. In 2000 the USA today and NBC news reported of a Religious Summit hosted by CNN owner Ted Turner for World Peace. The targeted religious leaders were from Russia, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Representing the catholic church from Africa was the cardinal from Nigeria which has the highest density of muslims in Africa at 65%.

Russia, Asia, Europe and the Middle East nations just happen to be the one’s listed in the book of Ezekiel that were foretold would attack Israel at the time of the rapture of the church.

In 1991, the President George Bush said all religions have the same God…President Barrack Hussein Obama would not attend the national day of prayer and disinvited Franklin Graham but hosted Ramadan for the White House in 2010.

Joel Osteen has consistently said when interviewed on national tv that practicing homosexuals will go to heaven which is contrary to God’s Word. John and Paul both said they will not in the New Testament.

There’s a book that was published back in 1995 called “The Purpose Driven Church” by Rick Warren which preceded the “Purpose Driven Life” in 1997.  Both books have been read by millions of people with thousands of pastors coming to his seminars on how to grow a church. How to get people in the doors…The book details how to build a church - here’s just few of the ways:

Crosses and other traditional christian symbols may be moved from both the inside and outside of the church building. The pulpit may also be removed //The word church can often be removed and the church may be called a campus // Eliminate altar calls or salvation invitations at the close of  the services // Eliminate such words as unsaved, lost, sin, hell, heaven, and other gospel verities from the pastoral message.  Change the term saved and lost to the churched and unchurched //  Ostracize all who are not avid promoters of the  new purpose driven church program.

Islam teaches that Jesus is a prophet, not the son of allah. When Jesus comes back with the Mahdi (the messiah of Islam), Jesus will apologize (according to Islam) that he brought into existence the christian religion.

He will then say that he did not die on the cross - it was all rigged, it was made to look like I was up there. He will go onto say that while I was gone I became a muslim and I now worship allah and he has sent me back to preach salvation through him.

The first thing that the muslim Jesus said he is supposed to do is destroy all the crosses, all the crosses throughout the entire world.

While President, Barack Hussein Obama spoke at Georgetown University (Catholic school). The White House said you must cover up the cross before the president speaks… God’s Word said this would happen.

Don’t be deceived, don't be duped by what is happening in the church world. From popular speakers gathering to themselves itching ears, false teachers and self proclaimed prophets twisting God’s Word, woke pastors aligning with and promoting liberal candidates and ideology…

Jesus is coming everyone, these are signs for us to get ready and to know, to understand that this must happen to get our attention and they have been happening right before our eyes for decades.

You can join my Facebook group (End Times In The Headlines) current events are posted with a break down of why this important thru the lens of Scripture. More things are added daily to the website as we continue to expand with the youtube channel starting shortly.

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In Part 5 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, God loves us so much, He gave you and I His Word, His Son, The Holy Spirit and the signs in His Word regarding the Rapture of the church. God doesn’t want us duped or deceived by false preaching/teaching in the church about the order of events at the Time Of The End and the twisting of scripture about sin. God’s Word never changes.

Peter, Paul, Jude, John and Jesus continuously warn the followers of Jesus Christ about self proclaimed prophets who will deceive people in great numbers and pastors or wolves in sheep clothing. The never wrong Prophet Jeremiah (proven) wrote ‘These [false] prophets prophesy lies in My name. I did not send them, they prophesy to you a false or pretended vision, trying to call forth the responses from their victims to the deceit of their own minds’.

The Bible said that the acceptance of homosexuality as no longer a sin, pastors no longer addressing it and even applauding it, would take place - that’s Bible. From the Queen James bible stating homosexuality is no longer a sin, numerous gay affirming Bibles, inclusive Bibles getting rid of he or she pronouns in order not to offend and set genderless precedence.

Politicians are not hiding promoting interfaithism or a One World religion as the Bible foretold. Two of the most highly recognizable ones would be Tony Blair who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007 and former President Bill Clinton. Tony blair’s “faith and globalization” course, which began at Yale University, has now spread to other prestigious colleges around the world, Blairs and former president Clinton joined forces to educate the world’s students in interfaithism by launching a program for grade schools and high schools called “face to faith”.

During the opening prayer of President Obama’s inauguration in 2009 that Rick Warren prayed in the name of Esa/Isa or Jesus in arabic. Saying later he was just using the name of Jesus in their tongue like Jesus in Spanish… Esa/Isa in arabic is a prophet and Allah has no son. He knew what he was saying, trying to appeal to islam when the Bible says in 1 John 2 ‘who ever believes that Jesus is not the son of God, who is not the messiah is the spirit of the antichrist’.

Paul said in Romans 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves].

This deception from the woke pastors, the false prophecies, being a friend to islam (not witnessing to muslims but siding with them for a common cause - peace), politicians working on “coexist, interfaithism” joining government and anti-god religion together is Bible Prophecy.

Don’t miss this important study on the deception in the church, it is happening, but remember this is a “sign” for you and I that Jesus is returning, the Rapture is near. Don’t think you can identify false teaching at your church, from woke pastors, partial truths and then stay. Get out of there and take your friends, - Paul said so. It is to long to be wrong everyone, Jesus is coming and He warned us time and time again throughout the New Testament about this deception and that even the very elect will be deceived.

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In Part 4 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, I have some exciting news… it’s Harvest Time! The Bible says so. What we see happening in the church, people and pastors who say they are followers of Jesus Christ, is they no longer believe God’s Word is true, they pick and choose. The Bible foretold (As In The Days of Noah) that right before the rapture of the Church that those who are habitually obedient to God’s Commands would be mocked for being righteous and other’s in the church would applaud lawlessness.

The lawlessness that we see happening in the United States should not be surprise from the liberal, anti-god, anti-Israel, anti-christian church, baby killing, same sex marriage party. They break laws that they are sworn to uphold, they attack those who are for Israel, for life and for the truth.

But, the surprise should be, people that you and I have been attending church with for years, who we have spent our weekend meals with are voting for wickedness or lawlessness and agree with these issues as well. God is causing this “End Times” shaking that we see taking place and the “differences” or “division” in the church that most see as political, it’s not, it is Biblical. When people in the church vote for lawlessness, they are lawless when it comes to God’s Word as well.

This is part of the End Time harvest of the wheat and the tares. God’s Word told us that there would be a separation in the church and that true followers of Jesus Christ would need to come out and separate from those we have had close relationships with in the past, it’s for our good and theirs.

The End Time harvest has begun and people in the church are starting to reveal their true colors… God is shaking and separating by these prophetic End Time events. Don’t be scared but prepared, Don’t doubt God’s Word - it’s Too Long To Be Wrong!

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In Part 3 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, God’s Word gives the follower of Jesus Christ specific instructions regarding those we attend church with and have close relationships in the body Christ. One of the “things” God warns yo and I that will cause us to fall asleep or miss the rapture is the ones who call themselves christians that are in our lives.

The Apostle Paul was answering questions from the New Testament church who thought they missed the rapture, what they must do in order to be ready, what must they do in order to stay awake to the signs of Christ return. His answer…

Anyone who calls themselves a brother or sister in Christ who habitually commits sin, end the relationship, the friendship, don’t even eat with them (1 Corinthians 5). This instruction or command was not given just to protect us but to operate as the body of Christ to let the one who keeps sinning know that they are deceiving themselves, that it was not right or righteous on what they were doing according to God’s Word.

Jesus, in the parable of the ‘wheat and the tare’ was giving a practical application in the natural that they all understood so the spiritual manifestation of harvesting, threshing and winnowing would cause them to take heed, or examine themselves and the relationships that God commanded us to watch out for.

Don’t miss this teaching on the harvesting, winnowing and threshing that is happening right now in the church that was prophesied in God’s Word. The last words that may father spoke to me before he died 16 years ago was “I would rather you be holy and lonely, then ungodly with many friends”. I know it can and will be difficult to leave certain friends who you have spent years with, the rut and the routine can at times, seem impossible to break free from. But, God’s Word commands us to look at their fruit, to see how the impact of the relationship is effecting our eternity and if it doesn’t meet God’s standards… the right things or righteous action is to end the relationship.
Remember, the End Time harvest has begun and people in the church are starting to reveal their true colors… God is shaking and separating by these prophetic End Time events. Don’t be scared but prepared, Don’t doubt God’s Word - it’s Too Long To Be Wrong !

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In Part 2 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, We continue to look at God’s warning to the follower of Jesus Christ at “The Time Of The End” about the separation that will take place inside the Church… this is BIG! This separation is happening right now and is being caused by the “shaking” in Hebrews 12. This was foretold so we wouldn’t be nauseous (Luke 21), so we wouldn’t be duped, deceived, caught unaware during these unsettling days that is happening in the church right now. All throughout the New Testament, Jesus along with the NT writers you and I to be awake, alert, to what would be happening because the Word that will be preached, many pastors will deceive regarding what is sin (no longer sin), end time events (caught unaware and make the heart get sick).

The Apostle Paul instructs the pastor, preacher, teacher that these three things must be used when they are speaking (regardless of the topic). I charge [you] in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, (everything is to be through the filter of) :Who is to (1) judge the living and the dead, and by (2) (in the light of) His coming and (3) His kingdom”- 2 Timothy 4:1. Why would God have Paul tell the End Times pastor this? Because He knows that God’s people will fall asleep to the judgment that is coming and they won’t be ready of the time of their end.

The instruction for the Pastor in verse 2 is for today, “2 Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.”

The “separation" is not new to God’s Word, it has been told throughout the Word so we would understand it, what it looks like, who is being separated and why. From the: Sheep and the goats Matthew 25:33, Wheat and the tare Matthew 13:30, Good fish from bad fish Matthew 13:48, Profitable and unprofitable Matthew 25:29-30, Wise from foolish virgins Matthew 25:10-11, Those with a wedding garment from those without Matthew 22:12-14.

The Time Of The End shaking has begun, the darkness is being exposed in the church. This shaking is in all areas of our lives and is being revealed for all to see as people in the church start separating themselves into 2 different camps - the Bible said this would take place. God’s Word said that the unfaithful ones, the darkness would start to come out among you, be exposed but they were really never with you or God’s Kingdom… not just attendees but John was talking about Pastors and spiritual leaders. This is why so many are falling asleep and not ready in the church, the Pastor is giving a false word sleeping pill to make people numb to sin and the order of events that we are commanded to stay alert to and be found righteous.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:20-29 AMPC 20 Therefore, you will fully know them by their fruits.21 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.22 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? 23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]. 24 So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock. 25 And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a stupid (foolish) man who built his house upon the sand. 27 And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great and complete was the fall of it.

Remember, this must happen as a benefit to us, and it is a Promise from God. The End Time harvest has begun and people in the church are starting to reveal their true colors… God is shaking and separating by these prophetic End Time events. Don’t be scared but prepared, Don’t doubt God’s Word - it’s Too Long To Be Wrong !

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In Part 1 of “Don’t Fall Asleep”, God’s Word promises that He would give us signs in order for us to watch, stay awake and alert for the Rapture of the church. Throughout the New Testament, the writers were answering questions from the church when Jesus did not return when they thought He would, “Did we miss the rapture” and if not “what will it look like or what will be the signs before Jesus comes to meet us in the air?” and “what must I do to be ready?”…

Remember, the Church or followers of Jesus Christ were being persecuted at this time, killed, beaten, harassed by the government, secular people and religious people as well - the Church thought there were going through the Tribulation. In order not to miss the rapture Jesus said - stay awake, be alert, and I command you to know the signs. Paul said, encourage one another in the midst of the persecution, John said blessed are you who speaks and reads about the End Time Events. Remember, what is happening right now, this is not our forever, it is alerting you to and I about the rapture and (our forever) eternity with the Lord.

The New Testament writers told you and I, stay alert and awake. Don't be deceived and duped, don't let you heart be sick or become faint… why? God’s Word said He will cause a shaking in the earth and in heaven and that is what is happening right now. In Revelation, John said that the day in which we are living - all the prophetic signs prior to the rapture are taking place that it will be a Harvest Time. That is when the separation begins and one of the parables that Jesus used was the wheat and the tares (or darnel).

Matthew 13:24-30 KJV
25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

What is a tare? a tare is one of four types of wheat translated in many translations as darnel. It grows in grain fields and grows the same height as the wheat and even looks like wheat till harvest time comes. The rabbi’s called it degenerate wheat and in their writings they called it bastard or illegitimate wheat. It changes colors near harvest time, it looks like everything else around it except when it comes to harvest time, then it begins to change it’s appearance.

This is what happens: the head of it begins to turn dark and there  are small seeds in the tare that end up getting a fungus in the seed that is poisonous if it gets ground up with the wheat and made into dough or made into flour.The seed from this tare causes sleepiness, convulsions, nausea and death.

During this series you will find that Jesus knew it would be a spiritually difficult time and that is why He told us what would be happening. The shaking that needs to happen to alert us that the rapture is very near can cause our heart to be sickened by the darkness that we are seeing in government, churches, media and even our own family. Remember, this must happen as a benefit to us, and it is a Promise from God. The End Time harvest has begun and people in the church are starting to reveal their true colors… God is shaking and separating by these prophetic End Time events… don't’ keep you head in the sand (Luke 21) don’t fall asleep to what is happening, don't get pulled down by the tares in the church (people and messages). Jesus is coming, wickedness is being exposed in high places, lift up your head, don’t be scared but prepared !

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